Steven W. Leavitt
August 2019

TITLE- Professor of Dendrochronology and Associate Director, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ  85721

                                    (Phone 520-621-6468; FAX 520-621-8229; e-mail



            May 1982         Ph.D. Geosciences.  University of Arizona, Tucson

(Dissertation title: Inference of past atmospheric δ13C and PCO2 from 13C/12C measurements in tree rings)

            Aug 1977         M.S. Environmental Sciences.  University of Virginia, Charlottesville

(Thesis title: Soil-plant relationships of nutrient and non-nutrient metals in Louisa Co., Virginia)

            June 1971         B.S. Geology.  University of Illinois, Urbana

(Thesis title: The geology and genesis of magmatic iron deposits at Kiruna and Gellivare, Sweden, and Iron Mountain, Missouri)


            Aug 2015 to Aug 2016    Acting Director, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

             Jan 2008 to present         Associate Director, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

            Jul 1996 to present        Professor, University of Arizona

            Jul 1992 to Jul 1993      Acting Director, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research

            Aug 1990 to Jun 1996   Associate Professor of Dendrochronology, University of Arizona

            Jul 1989 to Aug 1990    Associate Professor of Geology, University of Wisconsin-Parkside
            Aug 1984 to Jul 1989    Assistant Professor of Geology, University of Wisconsin-Parkside

            Jun 1982 to Jul 1984     Post-doc Research Assoc., University of Arizona, Dept. of  Geosciences


            The Weather, Earth & Man, Environmental Earth Science, Geochemistry, Environmental Geology, Hydrogeology, Dendrochronology, Senior Seminar, Mineralogy, Petrology, Tree Rings as Chronometers, Dendrochronology: Biological Applications, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, Introduction to Global Change (Nats101), Isotope Dendrochonology, Natural History of the Southwest.


            Dr. Leavitt's research centers on past, present and future global change, and is variously involved with light stable-isotope analysis of tree rings, native plant leaves, crop plants, and geological materials: stable-isotope dendrochronology; light stable-isotope geochemistry applied to geological and environmental problems; the global carbon cycle in geologic time and the recent imbalance from anthropogenic effects; environmental and climate reconstructions with particular interest in the last 15,000 years.


Membership: The Geochemical Society, American Geophysical Union, The Tree-Ring Society, American Quaternary Association (executive council member), Ecological Society of America

Editor: Tree-Ring Research (2002-present); Associate Editor: Radiocarbon; Communicating Editor: Trees-Structure and Function (2006-present)

Ad Hoc manuscript peer review for 40 different journals & proposal review for 12 agencies since 1994; From 2010 through 2018, >250 journal manuscript reviews (including revisions; excluding Tree-Ring Research) and >35 proposals.


            Dr. Leavitt routinely contributes to intramural service at the Department, College and University levels through membership on several committees.  Most notable among these was service on the Provost's University Promotion and Tenure Committee (1996-99).  Dr. Leavitt also served as Chairman of the Global Change Interdisciplinary Program from which the Global Change Ph.D. Minor is administered (1997-99).  Dr. Leavitt's outreach activities include general talks to service organizations, lecturing for the LTRR summer presession courses, and lecturing at a "Stable Isotope Ecology Course" held at the University of Utah in June (1996-2014, except 2000 and 2006).



PI         NSF, "Support for AmeriDendro Conference; Tucson, AZ; May 13-17, 2013" with Thomas W. Swetnam (co-PI), May 1, 2013, to April 30, 2014,  $9463.

Co-PI   NSF, “COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: Processes and Patterns in The North American Monsoon Macrosystem”, Monson R. (PI) et al., April 1, 2011 to Mar. 31, 2016, $2,949,061 to UA.

Collaborator NSF, "Collaborative Research: Terrestrial Late Pleistocene paleoenvironment back to MIS 3 from fossil microflora and tree rings in recently excavated landslide deposits, western Oregon", Tim Jull (PI), Peter Van de Water (co-PI), Irina Panyushkina (co-PI), April 16, 2011, to April 15, 2013, ca. $145,000 [no-cost extension to April 15, 2014]

Co-PI   NSF, "Reconstructing Winter Temperatures in the Rockies using Tree-Ring Oxygen Isotopes", with Connie Woodhouse (PI), Adam Csank (co-PI), September 1, 2011 to August 31, 2013, $239,050 [no-cost extension to August 31, 2014]

Co-PI   NSF, "Flickering Climate: Assessment of the Non-Stationary Environment in the Great Lakes Area, 14 ka to 8 ka BP- A Time of Rising Human Population and Mega-Fauna Extinction" with Irina Panyushkina (PI) September 15, 2010August 31, 2013, $597K. [no-cost extension to August 14, 2014]

PI- U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), Russian/US proposal “Influence of changes in temperature and moisture on structure and composition of annual rings in Siberian trees” with Gene Vaganov (Russian PI), and other co-PIs, Dec 1, 2009 to Nov 30, 2011, $40K.

Co-PI   NSF, “An Investigation of North American Monsoon Variability using Instrumental and Tree-Ring Data”, with Connie Woodhouse (PI), Ramzi Touchan, Dave Meko Chris Castro (Co-PIs), Sept. 1, 2008, to Aug. 31, 2011, ca. $600K [no-cost extensions to Aug. 31, 2013]

Co-PI  IALC (Intl. Arid Lands Consortium), “Climate Response of Growth and Water Use in Semi-Arid Pine Forest”, with Dan Yakir (PI), Dec 1, 2003, to Nov. 30, 2005, ca. $100K.

Co-PI  NSF, "High-resolution Younger Dryas environmental Variability: A Comprehensive Assessment from Mid-North America Tree Rings" with Irina Panyushkina (PI), Jul. 1, 2002, to June 30, 2005 (Extended to June 30, 2006), ca. $220K


PUBLICATIONS OF LAST 5 YEARS (of >150 in all categories since 1979)-


Leavitt, S.W., Hughes, M.K., Cook, E.R, 2019.  IN MEMORIAM— Harold C. Fritts, Tree-Ring Research 75(2):167-169.

Liu, Y., Cai, W., Sun, C., Song, H., Cobb, K. M., Li, J., Leavitt, S.W., Wu, L., Cai, Q., Liu, R., Ng, B., Cherubini, P., Büntgen, U., Song, Y., Wang, G., Lei, Y., Yan, L., Li, Q., Ma, Y., Fang, C., Sun, J., Li, X., Chen, D., Linderholm, H.W., 2019. Anthropogenic aerosols cause recent pronounced weakening of Asian Summer Monsoon relative to last four centuries.  Geophysical Research Letters 46(10): 5469-5479,

Lu, X., Liang, E. Wang, Y., Babst, F., Leavitt, S.W., Camarero, J.J., 2019. Past the climate optimum: Recruitment is declining at the world’s highest juniper shrublines in the Tibetan Plateau. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 100(1):e01497.


Kassie, B.T., Kimball, B.A., Jamieson, P.D., Bowden, J.W. Sayre, K.D., Groot, J.J.R., Pinter, P.P, LaMorte, R.L., Hunsaker, D.J., Wall, G.W., Leavitt, S.W., White, J.W., Asseng, S., 2018. Field experimental data for crop modeling of wheat growth response to nitrogen fertilizer, elevated CO2, water stress, and high temperature.  Open Data Journal for Agricultural Research 4:9-15.

Liu, S., Li, X., Rossi, S., Wang, L., Li, W., Liang, E., Leavitt, S.W., 2018.  Differences in xylogenesis between dominant and suppressed trees. American Journal of Botany, 105(5):950-956.

Lu, X., Liang, E. Wang, Y., Babst, F., Leavitt, S. W., Camarero, J. J., 2018. Past the climate optimum: Recruitment is declining at the world’s highest juniper shrublines on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecology.

Luczaj, J., Leavitt, S.W., Csank, A.Z., Panyushkina, I.P., Wright, W.E., accepted. Comment on “Non-Mineralized Fossil Wood” by George E. Mustoe.  Geosciences 8(12):462,

Sigdel, S.T., Dawadi, B., Camarero, J.J., Liang, E., Leavitt, S.W., 2018. Moisture-limited tree growth for the subtropical Himalayan conifer forest, western Nepal. Forests: 9(6), 340.

Szejner, P., Wright, W. E., Belmecheri, S., Meko, D. M., Leavitt, S. W., Ehleringer, J. R., & Monson, R. K., 2018. Disentangling seasonal and interannual lags from inferred patterns of forest water and carbon cycling using tree-ring stable isotopes. Global Change Biology 218:1-16.

Webber, H., White, J.W., Kimball, B.A., Ewert, F., Asseng, S., Rezaei, E., Pinter Jr., P.J., Hatfield, J., Reynolds, M., Ababaei, B., Bindi, M., Doltra, J., Ferrise, R., Kage, H., Kassie, B., Kersebaum, K.-C., Luig, A., Olesen, J.E., Semenov, M.A., Stratonovitch, P., Ratjen, A., LaMorte, R.L., Leavitt, S.W., Hunsaker, D.J., Wall, G.W., Martre, P., 2018. Physical robustness of canopy temperature models for crop heat stress simulation across environments and production conditions. Field Crops Research 216:75-88.


Liu, Y., Cobb, K.M., Song, H., Li, Q., Li, C.Y., Nakatsuka, T., An, Z., Zhou, W., Cai, Q., Li, J., Leavitt, S.W., Sun, C., Mei, R., Shen, C.-C., Chan, M.-H., Sun, J., Yan, L., Lei, Y., Ma, Y., Li, X., Chen, D., Linderholm, H.W., 2017.  Recent enhancement of central Pacific El Niño variability relative to last eight centuries.  Nature Communications 8, doi:10.1038/ncomms15386.

Johnson, J.E., Hamann, L., Dettman, D.L., Kim-Hak, D., Leavitt, S.W., Monson, R.K., Papuga, S.A., 2017. Performance of induction module-cavity ring-down spectroscopy (IM-CRDS) for measuring δ18O and δ2H values of soil, stem, and leaf waters. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 31(6):547-560.

Panyushkina I.P., Leavitt S.W., Mode, W.N., 2017. A long Bølling-Allerød tree-ring record from the U.S. Great Lakes. Tree-Ring Research 73(2):102-112.


Voelker, S.L., Brooks, J.R., Meinzer, F.C., Anderson, R., Bader, M.K.-F., Battipaglia, G., Becklin, K.M., Beerling, D., Bert, D., Betancourt, J.L., Dawson, T.E., Domec, J.C., Guyette, R.P., Körner, C., Leavitt, S.W., Linder, S., Marshall, J.D., Mildner, M., Ogée J., Panyushkina, I., Plumpton, H.J., Pregitzer, K.S., Saurer, M., Smith, A.R., Siegwolf, R.T.W., Stambaugh, M.C., Talhelm, A.F., Tardif, J.C., Van de Water, P.K., Ward, J.K., Wingate, L., 2016. A dynamic leaf gas-exchange strategy is conserved in woody plants under changing ambient CO2: Evidence from carbon isotope discrimination in paleo and CO2 enrichment studies.  Global Change Biology 22(2):889-902. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13102.

Gleadow, R.M., Ottman, M.J., Kimball, B.A., Wall, G.W., Pinter, Jr., P.J., LaMorte, R.L., and Leavitt, S.W., 2016.  Drought-induced changes in nitrogen partitioning between cyanide and nitrate in leaves and stems of sorghum grown at elevated CO2 are age dependent. Field Crops Research 185:97–102.

Panyushkina, I. P., Shishov, V. V., Grachev, A. M., Knorre, A. A., Kirdyanov, A. V., Leavitt, S. W., Vaganov, E. A., Chebykin, E. P., Zhuchenko, N. A., Hughes, M. K., 2016.  Trends in elemental concentrations of tree rings from the Siberian Arctic.  Tree-Ring Research 72(2):67-77. doi: 0.3959/1536-1098-72.02.XX (Supplementary Material PDF)

Szejner, P., Wright, W. E., Babst, F., Belmecheri, S., Trouet, V., Leavitt, S. W., Ehleringer, J. R., Monson, R. K., 2016.  Latitudinal gradients in tree-ring stable carbon and oxygen isotopes reveal differential climate influences of the North American Monsoon System. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences.  121(7):1978-1991. doi: 10.1002/2016JG003460

Hatton, P.-J. F., Chatterjee, S., Filley, T. R., Dastmalchi, K., Plante, A. F., Abiven, S., Gao, X., Masiello, C. A., Leavitt, S. W., Nadelhoffer, K. J., Stark, R. E., Bird, J. A., 2016.  Tree taxa and pyrolysis temperature interact to control the efficacy of pyrogenic organic matter formation. Biogeochemistry 130(1-2):103-116. DOI 10.1007/s10533-016-0245-1.


Voelker, S.L., Stambaugh, M.C., Guyette, R.P., Feng, X., Grimley, D.A., Leavitt, S.W., Panyushkina, I., Grimm.E., Jeremiah P. Marsicek, J.P., Shuman, B., Curry, B., 2015. Deglacial hydroclimate for midcontinental North America. Quaternary Research 83: 336-344

Panyushkina, I.P. and Leavitt, S.W., 2015.  Tree-ring investigation of Holocene flood-deposited wood from the Oneida Lake watershed, New York State. Tree-Ring Research 71(2):83-94.

Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, Q., Song, H., Linderhlom, H.W., Leavitt. S.W., Wang, R., An, Z., 2015. Corrigendum to "Tree-ring stable carbon isotope-based May-July temperature reconstruction over Nanwutai, China, for the past century and its record of 20th century warming" [Quat. Sci. Rev. 93 (2014) 67-76] doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2014.03.023. Quaternary Science Reviews 117:164.


Liu, X., An, W., Leavitt, S.W., Wang, W., Xu, G., Zeng, X., and Qin, D., 2014. Recent strengthening of correlations between tree-ring δ13C and δ18O in mesic western China: Implications to climatic reconstruction and physiological responses.  Global and Planetary Change 113:23–33

Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Li, Q., Song, H., Linderhlom, H.W., Leavitt. S.W., Wang, R., An, Z., 2014. Tree-ring stable carbon isotope-based May-July temperature reconstruction over Nanwutai, China, for the past century and its record of 20th century warming. Quaternary Science Reviews, JQSR-D-13-00339. Accepted 26 March 2014.

Jull, A.J.T., Panyushkina, I.P., Lange, T.E., Kukarskih, V.V., Myglan, V.S., Clark, K.J., Salzer, M.W., Burr, G.S., and Leavitt. S.W., 2014.  Excursions in the 14C record at AD 774-775 in tree rings from Russia and America. Geophysical Research Letters doi: 10.1002/2014GL059874.

Jull, A.J.T., Leavitt. S.W., 2014.  Editors’ note. Radiocarbon 56(4):V.


An, W., Liu, X., Leavitt, S.W., Ren, J., Xu, G., Zeng, X., Wang, W., Qin, D., and Ren, J., 2013.  Relative humidity history and coherence between tree-ring δ18O and δD on the Batang - Litang Plateau, western China, since AD 1755. Climate Dynamics DOI 10.1007/s00382-013-1937-z, published online 17 Sept. 2013.

Csank, A.Z., Fortier, D., and Leavitt, S.W., 2013. Annually resolved temperature reconstructions from a late Pliocene-early Pleistocene polar forest on Bylot Island.  Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 369:313–322.

Grachev A.M., Vaganov E.A., Leavitt S.W., Panyushkina I.P., Chebykin E.P., Shishov V.V., Zhuchenko N.A., Knorre A.A., Hughes M.K., Naurzbaev M.M., 2013. Methodology for development of a 600-year tree-ring multi-element record for larch from the Taymir Peninsula, Russia. Journal of Siberian Federal University Biology 6(1):61-72.

Griffin, D., Woodhouse, C.A., Meko, D.M., Stahle, D.W., Faulstich, H.L., Carrillo, C., Touchan, R., Castro, C.L., Leavitt, S.W., 2013. North American monsoon precipitation reconstructed from tree-ring latewood.  Geophysical Research Letters 40(5):954–958, DOI: 10.1002/grl.50184.

Hultine, K.R., Dudley, T.L., and Leavitt, S.W., 2013. Herbivory-induced mortality increases with radial growth in an invasive riparian phreatophyte.  Annals of Botany 11(6):1197-206, doi: 10.1093/aob/mct077.

Liu, X., Zeng, X., Leavitt, S.W., Wang, W., An, W., Xu, G., Sun, W., Wang, Y., Qin, D., and Ren, J., 2013. A 400-year tree-ring δ18O chronology for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for inferring variations of the regional hydroclimate. Global and Planetary Change 104:23–33.

Meko, D.M.,  Touchan, R., Villanueva Díaz, J., Griffin, D., Woodhouse, C.A., Castro, C.L., Carillo, C. and Leavitt, S.W., 2013. Sierra San Pedro Mártir, Baja California, cool-season precipitation reconstructed from earlywood width of Abies concolor tree rings. Journal of Geophysical Research. 118(4):1660–1673, DOI: 10.1002/2013JG002408.

Panyushkina, I.P. and Leavitt, S.W., 2013.  Ancient boreal forests under the environmental instability of the glacial to post-glacial transition in the Great Lakes region (14,000-11,000 years BP). Canadian J. of Forest Research 43:1032–1039




Michaletz, S., Duran, S., Leavitt, S., McDowell, N., Saleska, S.R., van Haren, J., Troch, P.A., Enquist, B. J., 2019. Re-evaluating a stable isotope (δ18O) approach for estimating the temperature of photosynthesis. 11–16 August 2019, Ecological Society of America meeting. Louisville, Kentucky.


*Leavitt, S.W., Panyushkina, I.P., Gutierrez, G., 2018.  Tree, tree-ring and isotope prospects for identifying Holocene abrupt climate change in North America.  18-21 June 2018, Holocene Abrupt Climatic Events and the Environmental Effects Workshop, Institute of Earth Environment, CAS, Xi'an, China.


Panyushkina, I., Leavitt, S.W., Mode, W., 2017.  Late Pleistocene millennium-scale tree-ring record from North America.  The 14th International Conference on Accelerator Mass Spectrometry, IntCal and Dendrochronology Workshop, 14-18 August 2017, University of Ottawa, Canada.


Michael L. Detizio, John M. Zawiskie, Irina P. Panyushkina, Steven W. Leavitt, 2016. New AMS radiocarbon bone and tusk dates for Late Pleistocene mastodons in southeast Michigan. Michigan Academy of Science Arts & Letters Conference, 4 March 2016, Saginaw Valley State University.

Panyushkina, I.P., Livina, V.N., Leavitt, S.W., 2016. Climate variability of Late Pleistocene deglaciation in the North American midcontinent derived from tree rings. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2016, 17–22 April 2016, Vienna, Austria.

*Leavitt, S.W., 2016. Global Change in the Great Lakes Region 14ka to 6ka from the Annals of Ancient Wood.  Geology Department, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh, 12 April 2016, Oshkosh, Wisconsin.

Leavitt, S.W. and Panyushkina, I.P., 2016.  The stable-isotopic view of tree-ring series from the Great Lakes area between ca. 12 ka and 13.8 ka.  Geological Society of America, North-Central Section - 50th Annual Meeting, 18 to 19 April 2016, Champaign, IL.

*Panyushkina, I.P., Leavitt, S.W., Zawiskie, J., 2016. Annually-Resolved Environmental proxies in the Great Lakes Area, 14 ka to 10 ka BP:  A Time of Rising Human Population and Mega-Fauna Extinction. Society for American Archaeology (SAA) 81st Annual Meeting, 6-10 April 2016, Orlando, Florida.

Paul, S., Wright, William E., Leavitt, S., Monson, Russell K., 2016.  Using stable isotopes in tree-rings to understand tree performance.  Tropical Ecology and tree ring Isotope Seminar, Georg-August-University, Göttingen, Germany.

Hamann, L., Johnson, J. E., Dettman, D., K.-H., D., Leavitt, Steven W., Monson, R. K., Pope, A., Papuga, S. A., 2016.  Quantifying differences between cryogenic distillation and induction methods for stable isotope analysis:  Implications for understanding plant-water dynamics.  Earth Week, University of Arizona.

Gutierrez Garcia, G., Carriquiry-Beltran, J.D., Leavitt, S., Trouet, V., 2016. Hydroclimatic variability of the Baja California Peninsula reconstructed from tree-rings of Pinus lagunae and Pinus monophylla. Third American Dendrochronology Conference (AmeriDendro) March 28 - April 1, 2016, Mendoza, Argentina.

Panyushkina, I.P., Livina, V.N., Leavitt, S.W., Mode, W.N., 2016.  Tree-ring evidence of climate variability of Late Pleistocene deglaciation in the North American midcontinent.  Geol. Soc. Of America national meeting, 25-28 September 2016. Abstract #278227

Szejner, P., Wright, W. E., Babst, F., Belmecheri, S., Trouet, V., Leavitt, S. W., Ehleringer, J. R., Monson, R. K., 2016.  Latitudinal gradients in tree ring stable carbon and oxygen isotopes reveal differential climate influences of the North American Monsoon system. AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco.  ID#142441

Meixner, T., Leavitt, S., Morino, K., 2016. Water sources over time for a semi-arid river- Implications for water resources.  AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco.  ID# 161011

Johnson, J.E., Tipple, B.J., Betancourt, J.L., Ehleringer, J.R., Leavitt, S.W., Monson, R.K., 2016. Variation in the apparent biosynthetic fractionation for N-alkane δD among terrestrial plants: Patterns, mechanisms, and implications. AGU Fall Meeting, 12-16 December 2016, San Francisco.  ID# 197064


*Leavitt, S.W., 2015. 25 years of stable isotope research at LTRR.  A talk to LTRR Docents, 10 January 2015, Tucson, AZ.

*Leavitt, S.W., 2015. Radiocarbon dating at LTRR and the birth of calibration.  Workshop- A Comprehensive Guide to Bayesian Modeling of Radiocarbon Dates using OxCal. 25-26 April 2015, Tucson, AZ.

*Leavitt, S.W., 2015. Tree rings and the tales they tell of drought, floods, fires, and times gone by.  Cochise College, High Desert Gardening Workshop, 13 March 2015, Sierra Vista, AZ.

Panyushkina, I.P., and Leavitt, S.W., 2015.  Climatic signals in tree-ring stable isotope records from the U.S. Great Lakes subfossil wood network: Successes and limitations.  European Geoscience Union General Assembly, 12-17 April 2015, Vienna, Austria.

*Leavitt, S.W., 2015. Long tree-ring isotope chronologies in the U.S. Southwest and North American Monsoon hydroclimate.  North American Forest Ecology Workshop (NAFEW), 14-18 June 2015, Veracruz, Mexico.

Leavitt, S.W. and Panyushkina, I.P., 2015.  Tree-ring evidence of non-stationary environment in the U.S. Great Lakes area between 15ka-7ka: A time of human transcontinental migrations and mega-fauna extinctions.  XIX INQUA Congress (Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization), 26 July to 2 August 2015, Nagoya, Japan.

Panyushkina, I.P., and Leavitt, S.W., Lara, A., Roig, F., Palmer, J., Turney, C.S.M., Jull, T., Van de Water, P.K., 2015. Pan-Pacific tree-ring records in excess of 50 ka.  XIX INQUA Congress (Quaternary Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Hazards and Civilization), 26 July to 2 August 2015, Nagoya, Japan.

*Leavitt, S.W., 2015. Connecting Trees and Space: The A.E. Douglass Story.  Moon Tree Celebration, 30 October 2015, Space Sciences Building, Campus.

Gutiérrez García, Genaro, Carriquiry Beltrán, José D., Leavitt, Steven W., Trouet, Valerie, 2015. Ariabilidad hidroclimática de la península de Baja California reconstruida a partir de anillos de crecimiento de Pinus lagunae y Pinus monophylla.  Reunión Anual 2015 de la Unión Geofísica Mexicana, 2-7 November, 2015, Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, México.

Johnson, J.E., Tipple, B.J., Betancourt, J.L., Ehleringer, J.R., Leavitt, S.W., Monson, R.K., 2015. Do interspecific differences in the stable hydrogen isotopic composition of n-alkanes reflect variation in plant water sources or in biosynthetic fractionation?  AGU Fall Meeting, 14-18 December 2015, San Francisco.


Griffin, D., Woodhouse, C.A, Leavitt, S.W., and Graham, R.C., 2014. North American Monsoon climate signal in a multi-proxy dataset from tree-ring latewood.  2014 AAG Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida

Jull, T., Panyushkina, I., Lange, T., Chang, C.-C., Myglan, V., Kukarskih, V., Burr, G., Leavitt, S., and Swetnam, T., 2014.  Evaluating the possible size of excursions in the 14C record due to cosmic events.  9th International Conference on Dendrochronology (WorldDendro), 13-17 January 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

Csank, Z., Woodhouse, C.A., Pederson, G., Leavitt, S.W., and Danloe, J., 2014.  Proxy xool-season temperatures in the Upper-Colorado River headwaters from tree-ring δ18O.  9th International Conference on Dendrochronology (WorldDendro), 13-17 January 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

Wright, W.E., Leavitt, S.W., Woodhouse, C.A., Monson, R.K., and Szejner, P., 2014. Tree-ring isotopes applied to understanding the North American Monsoon macrosystem.  9th International Conference on Dendrochronology (WorldDendro), 13-17 January 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

*Leavitt, S.W., 2014. Stable isotopes in tree rings:  Background and applications.  Environmental Workshop, 6 January 2014, Universidad Austral de Chile, Valdivia. 

Leavitt, S.W., and Panyushkina, I.P., 2014.  Radiocarbon age control of tree-ring chronologies from a network of ancient wood sites in the U.S. Great Lakes area.  9th International Conference on Dendrochronology (WorldDendro), 13-17 January 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

Liu, T., Li, Q., Wang, Y., Song, H., Leavitt, S., Linderholm, H., Wang, R., and An, Z., 2014.  The superiority of numerical mix method in tree-ring stable-carbon isotope based May-July temperature reconstruction over Nanwutai, China for the past century.  9th International Conference on Dendrochronology (WorldDendro), 13-17 January 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

Panyushkina, I., Grachev, A., Shishov, V., Kirdynov, A., Chebykin, E., Vaganov, E., Leavitt, S., and Hughes, M., 2014.  Tree-ring evidence of wood property changes caused by modern acidification of Arctic soils. 9th International Conference on Dendrochronology (WorldDendro), 13-17 January 2014, Melbourne, Australia.

*Leavitt, S.W., 2014. Tree rings and the tales they tell of drought, floods, fires, and times gone by.  Shade Tree Short Course “Respect Your Elders” (invited) Feb 25-27, 2014, Ames, Iowa.

Leavitt, S.W. (Co-presentation with Irina Panyushkina), 2014. Ancient Environmental Change from Tree Rings: Paleoenvironment in the American Great Lakes (5-14ka BP) and in Khazakhstan (Iron Age)., 11 February 2014, Climate Change Research Center, University of New South Wales, Australia.

Csank, A., Woodhouse, C., Pederson, G., Danloe, J., and Leavitt, S., 2014.  Assessing the ability of tree-ring isotopes to improve our understanding of the climatic drivers of streamflow in the Upper-Colorado River Basin.  AMQUA 2014 Biennial Meeting, Aug. 7-10, 2014, Seattle, WA.


Griffin, D., Woodhouse, C., Meko, D., Stahle, D., Faulstich, H., Carrillo, C., Touchan, R., Castro, C., and Leavitt, S., 2013. North American monsoon precipitation reconstructed from tree-ring latewood.  2nd AmeriDendro Conference, 13-17 May 2013, Tucson, Arizona.

Leavitt, S., Woodhouse, C., Griffin, D., Touchan, R., Carrillo, C., Castro, C., and Meko, D., 2013. Monsoon rainfall from annual δ13C chronologies of Pseudotsuga menziesii and Pinus ponderosa in Southern Arizona, USA.  2nd AmeriDendro Conference, 13-17 May 2013, Tucson, Arizona.

Panyushkina, I., and Leavitt, S., 2013.  Abrupt changes of moisture variability in the Great Lakes region at ca. 13.7ka, 12ka, 11.5ka and 8.2ka:  A new perspective from subfossil tree rings. Paleoamerican Odyssey, A Conference Focused on First Americans Archaeology, 16-19 Oct 2013, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Panyushkina, I., and Leavitt, S., 2013. Tree-ring perspectives on short-term climate variability during the transition during Late Pleistocene to Holocene from the Great Lakes network of buried timbers. 2nd AmeriDendro Conference, 13-17 May 2013, Tucson, Arizona.

Wright, W., Leavitt, S., Woodhouse, C., Monson, R., 2013.  Spatial changes in the seasonal mixing proportions of available soil moisture in the high elevations of Arizona and New Mexico.  2nd AmeriDendro Conference, 13-17 May 2013, Tucson, Arizona.